Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wordless Wednsday

And without mistletoe!

wordless wednesday,Christmas,blue heeler,cattle dog,dog kisses


  1. What is better than a l♥ve fest during the howl-o-day season with someone you l♥ve! WOWZA! We need to go kiss our momma!

  2. Everyone is eager to give Momma a sloppy, wet kiss!

    My Dogspot

  3. Too fun! Thanks for stopping by our site and commenting!

  4. The Herd is right, we don't need mistletoe and it doesn't even have to be Christmas. Looks like a couple more in line for some kisses too.

    Woos, Thunder and Phantom

  5. awww they love you so much!'

  6. There was a lesson for my daughter. Don't lay in the floor unless you want to get licked in the face and the dogs to climb all over you. She was fixing the tree skirt. I took about 8 pictures, she had to wrestle them off of her. It was pretty funny, but I don't think I knew until this picture how long Sams tongue really was!

  7. Nothing heals a soul better than super wet doggie kisses! Who needs words!!! Love the picture and loved that you shared Bonnie's rescue story with your husband! GREAT!!! Have a super evening! Coralie

  8. None required - there is already too much love in that room! :)

  9. LOL if you are close enough to pet them you are close enough to be showered in kisses... Those are the best kisses too... But now your daughter will think twice about fixing the skirt..

  10. I love my dog, but that is one thing I can't stand : )!!

  11. That is a precious photo! So fun! I bet it was more fun to experience than to view!

  12. Aw!!! Too cute! Kissy kissy!!

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose
